
Celebrating a Decade of 全球合作 at the 网赌论坛有哪些

By Megan Bennett-Spears, Associate Director of 国际伙伴关系

As we celebrate the 10th anniversary of the 网赌论坛有哪些’s Office for 全球合作 (OGE), I am filled with immense pride and excitement. Having been part of the OGE for nearly nine years, I have witnessed firsthand the transformative impact of our initiatives and partnerships. As the Associate Director of 国际伙伴关系, it is my pleasure to share our office’s journey and achievements over the past decade.

The Evolution of 全球合作

The OGE has come a long way since its inception. One of our flagship initiatives, 全球访客计划, has brought numerous international scholars, 专业人士, and delegations to our campus, significantly enriching our academic environment and campus 文化. Since assuming my current role in December 2023, I have had the privilege of hosting delegations from New Zealand, 澳门, 和雷恩, as well as facilitating visits through the International Visitor Leadership Program. These experiences underscore the diversity and global reach of our partnerships.


My tenure with the OGE has been marked by incredible opportunities to travel and forge connections worldwide. I have been fortunate enough to visit Ireland, 瑞士, 和荷兰, and I am eagerly anticipating my upcoming trip to France. These journeys are more than just visits—they  build bridges of knowledge, 文化, 相互尊重.

Expanding Our Global Footprint

The OGE has been instrumental in supporting the development of over 190 agreements with more than 130 entities around the world. This extensive network of partnerships has provided a wealth of opportunities for our 学生, 教师, 和网赌论坛有哪些人员, from international research collaborations to study abroad programs.

Celebrating Milestones and Looking Forward

Reflecting on the past year, I am thrilled about the expansion and enhancement of Rochester’s programming and research through collaborations with international partners. It has been incredibly rewarding to engage with 教师 members who share a keen interest in forging research partnerships and creating opportunities for 学生 and 专业人士. The enthusiasm within the Rochester community for globalizing our campus is palpable, and I am eager to discover new avenues for cooperation.

Key Initiatives and Achievements

Below is a recap of the most important initiatives that have marked the OGE’s journey over the past decade:

  • Launch of 全球访客计划: This program has been pivotal in bringing international perspectives to our campus.
  • Centralization of Global Data and Reporting: Enhanced data management has improved our ability to track and report international activities.
  • Growing Support for International Education Week: Our office organizes this campus-wide effort to celebrate and promote international education.
  • Creation of a Global Strategic Plan: This plan guides our efforts to strengthen our global engagement and partnerships.
  • 团队的成长: There has been extensive team expansion across the Center for Education Abroad (CEA), International Services Office (ISO), 与全球参与.
  • Amplification of Rochester’s Reputation: Through our strategic partnerships, our office has significantly improved Rochester’s reputation and rankings both domestically and internationally.
  • Launch of the Global Leadership Council: This body is dedicated to steering global initiatives.
  • 发展 of the Global Fund: This provides funding for programming and 教师 research opportunities.
  • 发展 of the Travel Risk and Safety Arm: .This role proved especially pivotal during the Covid-19 crisis and continues to be critical for the safety and security of our 教师, 学生, 以及海外员工.
  • Commitment to the Worldwide Universities Network (WUN): Being an active member of this network has enhanced our global research collaborations.

The Future of 全球合作

As we celebrate our 10-year milestone, we look forward to expanding our international research partnerships, increasing opportunities for 学生 to study and intern abroad, and facilitating 教师 mobility. Our commitment to fostering cross-border collaborations that ignite innovative solutions remains steadfast.

Looking ahead to the next decade, we remain committed to creating sustainable, equitable programs that benefit all participants and to continuing our mission of building a better world through international collaboration.